So I've been chugging along the level 80 antics. I haven't had a lot of time to do much questing. Since I don't need the experience, I'm taking a rest from the generic quests. I did the quest chain to get in good with the Oracles. I'm almost revered and can start hatching my pets! I also have been doing the Sons of Hodir quest chain. I'm not finished but I'm far enough along that I'm friendly and have at least a couple of their dailies available. Next will be Knights of the Ebon Blade.
I've also been doing instances, including heroics. I never really got a taste of the real BC heroics, only the easy post nerf ones. While most aren't terribly hard provided you have a competent group, they are a good challenge. I'm learning more about my personal playing skills. I can churn out some pretty good dps and enhance my group members (get it? Enhancement!) but I do have agro issues. I can keep it mostly in check but I'm sometimes trigger happy and agro too early. Wind Shock helps nicely but if it's on cooldown I can get in trouble. I need to improve so that it isn't even necessary. Oh I can also CC too, sorta. Hex is a nifty little wannabe Polymorph. 30 seconds of a frog on humanoids and beasts, but 45 second recast so it's more of a one shot thing like sap, no chaining.
By the way, Culling of Stratholme is fun. Normal is pretty easy but the heroic version is a pain, my group got waxed pretty bad before throwing in the towel. And it was a solid group too. Nostalgia of WC3 is awesome. I've said it (at least to myself) many times that every WoW player should have played Reign of Chaos and the Frozen Throne. Ideally they shoulda been played before BC but it's not too late. They're awesome RTS games, loads of fun, and explains a lot of what's going on both in BC and WotLK. You can see snippets of it though in WoW. Stratholme obviously has a slightly warped retelling of it (no Infinite Dragonflight in WC3, duh) as well as other places, such as Dragonblight quests showing where Arthas ordered his fleet burned and when he found Frostmourne.
Finally though, what inspired this post. I really have to hand it to the quest developers. Sure a lot of quests are the same as they were in vanilla, kill X mobs for instance, but some are downright clever.
Case in point: the Dragonblight quest "Mystery of the Infinite". Our old pal Chromie is done hanging around in Western Plaguelands and is now the Ambassador of the Bronze Dragonflight in Wyrmrest Temple. She gives you a quest to fight off some Infinite Dragonflight at the Bronze Dragonshrine. Sounds plain enough, but remember that Bronze dragons are always busy warping time and whatnot. You get some help from a good friend, your future self.
Now I thought that was kinda cute when I did it, didn't think much of it. However, now at 80, I'm flying by and noticed Chromie's offering a new quest. Hmm, "Mystery of the Infinite, Redux". You go back to the Dragonshrine and fight off some Infinite Dragonflight. Sound familiar? Yep, you get some help from an old pal, your past self. I just thought this was thoroughly clever and entertaining.
Maybe I'm just too much of a nerd.
1 comment:
I've always been a huge fan of time travel and related subjects, so seeing effective use of it in WoW is just... wicked awesome :D
Definitely one of my favorite quests, even if the me that isn't me is a terrible mage.
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