Nov 30, 2008


So here it goes. Welcome to Ghouls and Ghosts, a World of Warcraft blog focusing on the lives of my two characters, a Draenei Shaman on the Drenden server named Koji and my new Orc Death Knight on the Terokkar server named Anguish.

WoW blogs seem to come in many different flavors. Some are strictly gameplay related, becoming knowledge bases on their particular subject. Some are focused on the roleplaying aspect of the game, personifying their avatar and giving them life. Some are made to bring out the fun of the game and their character and give their readers a laugh. Some may not even be game related at all and focus on the real lives of the players behind the screen. Of course most fall somewhere in between. In this blog I hope to be informative on my subjects to best help out my readers become better players themselves. When I first started reading WoW blogs, it was because I found a particular blog that had volumes of information and guides on the class I was playing at the time (a hunter) and I got hooked. I started reading other blogs of all varieties, as seen from that nifty list to my right. I'll of course be peppering my blog however with some comedy and fun, every blog needs that, and maybe I will occasionally delve into my personal life if I find it relevent or entertaining.

I am certainly not a pro on any subject. I have played WoW since shortly after it's release, and about 8 years of Everquest prior to that, so I've been playing MMO's for a good half my life. I was a hardcore raider in EQ but that hasn't been the case in WoW. I have hardly raided in WoW, but I hope that with WotLK that will change, I've gotten the raiding itch again. Even if I am not the most experienced, I feel that I play my classes well and strive to be the best player that I can be. I do a lot of research on my classes and I'll do my best to pass on this knowledge to my readers. As I become a better player, I will strive to focus on my original work in order to aid my readers.

So readers, thanks for giving my little blog a glimpse. This is my first blog as you may be able to guess. It is currently very rough and so over time I'll try to improve it. Any feedback, suggestions, criticisms, whatever are always appreciated so that I can improve the blog and in turn provide better information and entertainment to you, my valued readers.

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