We started with Sartharion +1 drake. The fight can be a little hectic and messy, and you're dealing with a dragon, a drake, whelps, and elementals, so the report may be a bit off, but it was fairly standard.

4th, not too shabby, I usually float around 6th at best to 10th at less than best.
Naxx was a little more surprising.
First Anub'rekhan,

Then Grand Widow,

Then Maexxna,

Then Noth,

Needless to say, I was rather surprised. The rest of the fights was more where I was used to, 7th for Archavon, 6th for Heigan, and an icky 10th for Loatheb. In my defense, Archavon and Heigan are more range-DPS friendly with Archavon jumping all over the place and having to avoid his clouds, and Heigan offering the safety of his platform for the non-dance part of his fight. On Loatheb I got only one spore, so only enjoyed 95% crit for a couple minutes while most probably got a lot more.
On the flip side, I shouldn't get full of myself. BRK was raiding as BM, testing their post 3.09 viability. His DPS was on par with the rest of the raid, though he generally topped it as SV. But I'm sure he'll have more to say on it than I ever could. Also our two other SV Hunters weren't attending tonight, or our top mage. So I guess that all considered would put me back around 6th... well that's kinda a downer.
Now I know DPS charts don't tell nearly the whole story, there is a whole lot more to being a good raider. But I think I performed as I should have. No standing in the fire, no deaths during boss fights. Always rather low on incoming damage and offering a decent spattering of my own healing into the mix. Well there was Archavon...

See, I can tank! I wear mail, that's made of metal, just like plate, so I'm practically a warrior. So not sure if I screwed up there, or it's just that no tanks picked him up after eating the MT, or whatever, I'll play it safe and say it's my fault. But I didn't die, so it's all good.
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