Jan 2, 2009

A Face Only His Mom Could Love

So I forgot to mention, when I fell into that random pit of doom, there was this annoying little ghost kid hassling me. He was going on and on about how my quest is really pointless and I'm nothing compared to the Old Ones. What's he know? He's already dead.

Well I'm minding my own business, building catapults and kersploding more undead, when he comes and bothers me again! Oh, I can kill hundreds of undead but it'll do no good, more will take their place. That's pretty obvious, I was doing it for fun.

Anywho, at least this time he let me have some fun and gave me a glimpse of our old frosty buddy doing the things he does best, killing his own men and raising them as zombies. I'll tell ya, he's not the prettyboy prince who pined after Jaina all day anymore. Too bad he doesn't have a /dance, I think some Saturday Night Fever would have livened him up a little.

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