Jan 4, 2009

One More in the Lineup

Koji has been 80 a while now. Most of his reputations are exalted. He needs no more badge gear. There are only a few heroic drops that would be any upgrade at all. I'm working towards finishing up all of the remaining quests in Icecrown, Storm Peaks, and Sholazar Basin.

I will be beginning scheduled raiding with my guild in a week. That is only three nights a week, and I don't see the need to really do a whole lot else on Koji when I'm not raiding. I'll probably still run heroics here and there, particularly to help guildies get more up to speed for raids. I'm still playing Anguish and enjoy him, but I don't know. Lately he just hasn't 'hooked' me, like I want to just keep on going. It seems like I can only quest on him for an hour before I get bored. Which is strange because there is so much to the Death Knight class.

Lately however, I have had an itch to play a hunter. I was almost tempted to start fresh but was able to resist that. I already have two level 70 hunters, one Alliance and one Horde, so I guess that says something about my interest in that class. I have decided to dust off my old Troll hunter, Rai. Prior to my current shaman Koji (not to be confused with my first shaman Koji), I have probably done the most on Rai. I would personally rather play an Orc, which is why I was tempted to restart, but I don't think race is a big enough deal. Trolls are still great hunters, cool, and pretty rare.

So once I finish the last of the quests and loose ends on Koji, I'll probably only play him to raid and will split my non-raiding focus between Anguish and Rai.

So don't be surprised to see this blog branch out a bit into the world of hunters. The name won't change but I may alter my banner a bit. I don't expect to ever post any informative guides or anything like that on hunters, people like BRK and Mania already do way more than I ever could think of doing. But expect to get a fair amount of flavor, lore, questing, randomness, that kinda stuff from him. That seems to be more like what this blog is heading towards anyways, which I hope isn't a bad thing.

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