It's somewhat belated but I'm sporting a new ride around Northrend. On Sunday my new buddies in Aetherial Circle along with many others teamed up to bring the war back home. Yes, our goal was to kill the leaders of the Horde, and we did so with gusto. BRK posted a video of the light show on Lor'themar which can give you a little idea of it. Our rewards are these pretty black bears complete with armor and glowing goggles. My stormsaber has served me well. She has bared my burden over the lands of Lordaeron, through the wastes of Outland, and a good deal of Northrend's tundra. Now she is free of her Battle Cat armor and lounges lazily in the sunlight in Dalaran.
It was a lot of fun storming through the cities with 39 other people. There was surprisingly little resistance, for a Sunday I thought we'd get a lot. We started off with Cairne who was quite easy, strolled up to Ogrimmar to take out Thrall (and Vol'jin), then moseyed over to Undercity for Sylvanas and finishing with Lor'themar in Silvermoon. I'll be honest though, it was kinda bittersweet for me. Even though Koji is my main, I feel like I'm a Hordie at heart. The majority of my characters have been Horde, it wasn't even until well into BC before I even started my first Alliance character. I didn't like killing Thrall. He's the coolest leader there is by far. But it had to be done.
I personally hope that I do the same to the Alliance leaders one day on Anguish. Tyrande's cool and Velen's alright, but Magni is kinda just there and I just purely dislike Varian Wrynn. He's a hothead and quite simply, a jerk. He's picking fights with the Horde when the Scourge is attacking them where they live. Yeah so he had to be a gladiator for the Horde's entertainment. Thrall was raised a slave to humans in an internment camp yet he still seeks peace. Besides, do you really want to be led by someone with grammar like this?

Hmm... this seems ripe for political allegory.
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