Today's posts are all about pools. Yea later posts will be about pools too but this is about the basic pool achievements.
The Old Gnome and the Sea
Successfully fish from a pool. Simple enough. I'm sure pretty much anyone who's picked up a fishing pole in WoW has done this. They are all over the place. Though even this can use some tips. First off, go your Video then Effects menu. My computer is pretty poor so I have pretty much all of my graphics at the minimum. If you plan to fish from pools however, you should raise your Spell Detail a bit. I find that raising it three "clicks" from the minimum so that the slide is under the e (at least for me, I'm not sure if this can vary for others). This will make pools easily visible. Raising it higher can add even more effects to them but I find it unnecessary. After this is done, just practice with pools a little. It really surprises me how often I see people fishing at pools (the Extravaganza for example) and their lure isn't in the pool. It doesn't have to be dead center, it usually won't be. But it is easy enough to tell if it is on the edge of the circle or just outside of it.

The Scavenger
These are junk nodes. They generally contain a box or some other randomness like Stranglekelp or various potencies of Rumsey Rum. They can actually be quite profitable, though come BC regular fish became much more worthwhile.
Steam Pump Flotsam: This is the only one of these junk nodes found outside of the Old World. To be specific, they are found in Zangarmarsh. This pool can appear really anywhere in the zone on coastal waters. Note that the water has to be deep enough to swim in, not the rivulets that cover the area. Just scan the coasts, you'll find it soon.
Floating Wreckage: This can come from higher level Old World zones, specifically Feralas, Tanaris, and Azshara, either inland or on the coast. The best spot that I have found by far is in Feralas on the coast and the connecting river.

Schooner Wreckage:This one is fairly difficult to find. It only spawns in Ashenvale, Wetlands, or Stonetalon Mountains. If you are Alliance, I would recommend Wetlands since fishing waters are right outside of Menethil and it is an easy, open coast. Ashenvale I wouldn't recommend. They may spawn there, but I don't remember ever noticing pools on the coast, so you would have to look for them in the rivers which isn't so easy. I believe I got mine in Stonetalon, which isn't that bad. There is Mirkfallon Lake in the center of the zone as well as the rivers in Windshear Crag. Both are fairly easy to navigate and pools seem fairly common.
Waterlogged Wreckage and Bloodsail Wreckage: I stuck these together because they are both found in Stranglethorn Vale. Well waterlogged wreckage can also be found in Desolace, Dustwallow, Alterac, and Arathi, but I think STV is easiest and it is near the bloodsail wreckage too. It is easy enough. Waterlogged wreckage is found in waters north of Grom'Gol, and bloodsail wreckage is found in waters south of Grom'gol. Red is bloodsail, blue is waterlogged.

Fish Don't Leave Footprints
Learn to track fish. This is done by reading a Weather-Beaten Journal which has a chance to drop, as it so happens, from the chests found in the aforementioned junk pools. Getting this prior to The Scavenger would have made it easier, but it isn't always the simplest to get. The chance of it coming out of one of the chests is reasonably low. However, it has been reported that it has about a 50% drop rate from Curious Crates. These are fished in Outland, but are a random drop from any pool-they don't drop from a specific pool like the other chests. Even if the drop rate is low, I think that it is easier going for the junk nodes in the Old World, I recommend the coast of Feralas for floating wreckage. There are just so many pools there that your chances aren't that bad. Also if you've managed to raise your fishing high enough to fish in Outland, are 70+, and still haven't gotten this, it can also be found in the bag of fishing treasures from Old Man Barlo's fishing dailies (but that's for another day).
Okay that has been a lot of explaining. The next ones have a lot more requirements but are also a lot simpler.
Outland Angler
Bluefish School and Mudfish School are both found in Nagrand. I recommend searching Lake Sunspring, south of Sunspring Post, or Skysong Lake, north of Garadar. They can also spawn in rivers and the waters surrounding Halaa, but they seem much more random compared to the simple coasts of the two lakes.
Sporefish Schools are found in any waters in Zangarmarsh
Brackish Mixed Schools are found in the waters of Zangarmarsh or Terokkar.
Schools of Darter and Highland Mixed Schools are both found in Terokkar. Darter schools are found in the lowland waters, reachable by anyone. Highland mixed schools are only accessible with a flying mount. They can be found in Lake Jorune, on the cliffs west of Stonebreaker Hold, Lake Ere'Noru, on the cliffs southeast of Allerian Stronghold, and in Blackwind Lake, the waters in the heart of Skettis. It is in these pools that Mr. Pinchy is found, but that's for another day.
Northrend Angler
Borean Man O' War Schools are found in the coastal waters of Borean Tundra.
Dragonfin Angelfish Pools are in the inland waters of Dragonblight.
Fangtooth Herring Schools are found in the inland waters of Howling Fjord and I hate them so, so much (stay tuned for my rants and whines regarding One that Didn't Get Away)
Glacial Salmon Schools can be found in Grizzly Hills' inland waters.
Glassfin Minnow Schools are found along the river of Crystalsong Forest.
Imperial Manta Ray Schools are in the coastal waters of Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra, Dragonblight, and Grizzly Hills.
Musselback Sculpin Schools reside in the inland waters of Borean Tundra.
Nettlefish Schools are in Sholazar Basin inland waters.
Deep Sea Monsterbelly and Moonglow Cuttlefish Schools are interesting because they technically aren't in any area, but rather in the Frozen Sea, the waters surrounding Northrend. The pools surround glaciers off the coast of Unu'pe in Borean Tundra, or on the southeast edge of Howling Fjord, near the river's mouth. These are most easily reached with a flying mount but lower levels can swim out to the glaciers and jump on them as well, but it can be difficult to do. There aren't many spots that are low enough to jump onto.
Edit: To tack onto that, even though these two pools are in the Frozen Sea, they are located in areas where you are not getting timed on fatigue. If you see the fatigue timer pop up, you're in the correct area (and you should probably move... or you'll die)
Well that's that... wow that went on way longer than I expected. Wonder if all posts are going to be like this. I was hoping it could be more short and sweet but so it goes.
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