Mmm... a few posts ago I said how I didn't like Varian Wrynn because he was such a hothead and quick to pick fights... Garrosh isn't much better. He's come a long way from whining about the Greatmother dieing back in Nagrand. What happened to wise leaders? Thrall's hanging back in Orgrimmar, but he and Garrosh already had a little scuffle before the offensive against the Lich King began. I guess nobody, neither Horde nor Alliance, have much patience these days. At least Garrosh is focusing on the enemy at hand and not spitting on Alliance shoes like Wrynn's doing to the Horde.
As I begin to do Horde Northrend quests, I'm seeing a lot of similarities to the Alliance quests. When you start off, you are sent as a lone reinforcement to losing battles and are pretty much dismissed as a scrub who is a waste of space. I remember on Koji, it was probably in Dragonblight when they began calling me a hero instead. Will that be the same for Anguish? Probably. I guess single-handedly fighting off legions of Scourge (and other mean things) deserve some recognition.
By the way, Saurfang is badass, he's a real hero yet he just plays to the tune of whoever is in charge. Watching him run headlong into a field of undead and whirlwind them all down is rather entertaining though.

He's also full of worldly advice for those young hero wannabes.

By the way, I know most of my posts lately have been just random stuff... I'm going to try to start doing more informative posts soon. I've got a few ideas, I'm just lazy since those well... take actual effort =) I'm going to finish up the Ol' Salty line then go into some Shaman mechanics, addons, etc. I'm still quite a DK newb so don't expect much informative for that yet. Skeleton Jack is an excellent DK blog that I read, and Matticus recently posted links to several others as well. I haven't looked at them yet but if they get into Matticus' post, they must be good.
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