A Hero. That's what I once was. In another lifetime... another existence.
My life has been nothing but a quest for revenge. Since given...new "life" by the Lich King, my mind has been a sea of fog. What atrocities I have committed as a pawn, I do not know. Only vague shreds of memory from my past life are surfacing. I drank the blood of Mannoroth along with Grom Hellscream and the Warsong Clan, to seek revenge against the Humans for what they did to my people following the Second War. I revelled in the bloodlust, I enjoyed the hunt and the kill, but this was so much worse. It was as if I were a puppet, strings being pulled by a master, that dark king. That time came to an end, however by the blessing and will of Lord Fordring at Light's Hope.
I was given a second chance. I was weak, a shadow of the hero I once was, but I returned to the battlefield to train my new abilities as a Death Knight. Slowly I regained my strength, until I finally knew that it was time... time to see a new revenge. I still had much training to do to but the call could not be ignored. I left the gates of Orgrimmar and boarded the zeppelin for the icy wastes... for a new kind of revenge. I was shunned and hated by my brethren for what I had become, but I would redeem myself. My hatred towards the Humans and all Alliance would never end, but there were now more pressing matters. I would exact my new revenge against He who made me this cursed being, who took advantage of my mind and will when it was weak and failing. It was my duty, my quest, the meaning of my second existence to destroy him... Arthas Menethil, the Lich King.
I set off into Northrend intending to march alone towards Icecrown and get the job done as quickly as possible. Would I succeed? Not likely. But it was what I had to do. Cursed by this undeath, I was no member of the Horde. However... as I landed in Warsong Hold, I was stopped short. Leading this seemingly doomed group of Horde was an Orc... Garrosh, the son of the great hero Grom Hellscream. Perhaps it was not yet my time to die again. I kneeled before young Garrosh and swore my allegiance to his Warsong Clan... a new generation of my former brothers. Perhaps my life was not mine to just throw away. Perhaps it had a greater meaning. Perhaps my axe would have the opportunity to strike home, rather than shatter against the walls of Icecrown. Despite what I was, I was accepted into their ranks. Perhaps one day I can be a hero once again...
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