While some of the creative design of Northrend is excellent (see Wrath Gate) or clever and funny (see Chromie), there is also some that I don't care for. I have already mentioned my distaste of such blatant use of Norse lore in that they barely change the names (or don't at all).
I have just started questing in Icecrown to get my Ebon Blade reputation up. I think that it has the potential to be really a piece of art if it follows up on the Dragonblight's excellence. However, my first step in the zone has put a sour taste in my mouth. It is such a copy of Lord of the Rings that I don't care for it. I usually enjoy their homages such those to Link and Mario in Un'Goro but I think it's going too far here. The first area that I noticed was called Mord'rethar (Mordor) and the first quest has me destroying the Eye of Sauron, err Arthas. The zone is a beauty but it feels taken right out of Jackson's films. I think this goes a little too far beyond homages in my opinion.
I'm still enjoying everything I do in Northrend. I just wish that they used their originality a little more than taking so much from existing culture and lore.
Though some of their scripting truly is inspired.

Edit: Okay they got me. Good show!

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