Having finally completed my mission, I'm feeling revitalized and again up to the task of aiding all you fisherpeople with the daunting task of being called Salty. Today will still be fairly simple tasks, but they are getting more time consuming (and mind numbing). So let's begin, shall we?
The Coin Master
First up on our plate is an achievement that is simple to do but will take a long time to get done. To complete The Coin Master, you need to complete three other interrelated fishing achievements: A Penny for your Thoughts, Silver in the City, and There's Gold in That There Fountain. All three of these achievements have basically the same goal and are done in the same place so will be treated as one.
These nifty little coins are fished up in only one place, the Eventide Fountain in Dalaran. Getting to Dalaran isn't all that easy. If you are level 74+ you just talk to a person in Crystalsong Forest. Mages can learn to port there at 71, but I'm not a mage so can't go in-depth in that. I think the quest is in Dragonblight. However, you can get a port from a mage at any level, a much easier path. However, it isn't quite that easy. Dalaran requires one of the highest fishing skills, a minimum of 430 to cast and 525 to stop getaways. This will probably be one of the last achievements you'll be doing unless you've already leveled up your fishing extensively.
But back to the coins. The Eventide fountain is located in southern end of Dalaran, in the Eventide district, between the southern bank and Violet Hold. It isn't the easiest to fish in the fountain, it is very small. Expect to get a line of sight error not too infrequently. Also there is an issue if your bobber lands on the far edge where it looks like it is actually inside the stone of the fountain. You'll instead catch from the sewers loot table as opposed to the fountain. Once you are able to get to Dalaran and high enough to fish there, it is pretty simple enough. Just keep at it in the fountain. You'll catch random coins, copper, silver, and gold, previously owned by well known (or sometimes not so much) players in the history of Warcraft.
One more thing to note is that gold coins are special. Copper and silver coins are essentially junk, they can sell for somewhere in the range of 60 copper but that pretty much equates to worthless. However, if you 'use' a gold coin, you throw it back in the fountain and get a 'lucky' buff, which increases your chances of catching coins for two minutes. Again, there isn't really any skill for this or advice that I can give, just persevere. It took me a long time to finish, I needed just one of each copper, silver, and gold for a long time, but eventually you'll catch em' all!
Old Man Barlowned
This achievement requires you to complete all of the fishing quests given by Old Man Barlo, who is beside the pond east of Shattrath City. I am pretty sure that you are required to be level 70 to get these quests. Every day, Barlo will randomly give one of five fishing quests. A couple patches ago, the quests were changed so that you get the drop you need almost always, if not always on the first cast if you are in the right place, making these much quicker to do.
Bait Bandits: This one requires you to catch a Blackfin Darter in Terokkar. You can fish in any of the lowland waters (meaning not the ones only reachable by flying mount) excepting Slimyr Lake, the lake that Barlo is at. The closest places are two small pools just east and west of Cenarion Thicket.

Felblood Fillet:Next we go off to either Hellfire Peninsula or Shadowmoon Valley. The fillet can be caught in either. In SMV, you can catch it in any of the icky green lava throughout the zone, it's all over the place. In Hellfire, the only place to fish is in the Pools of Aggonar, to the north. It is tougher to catch here since the areas are small.
Shrimpin' Ain't Easy:This one will take a little longer, but it's still simple. Head over to Zangarmarsh. While you have this quest, instead of catching Barbed Gill Trout, you will catch Bloated Barbed Gill Trout. These act like clams or any other "treasure item" in that you open it. Inside will be 1-2 shrimp and sometimes some junk seaweed. Keep at it till you get 10 shrimp.
The One That Got AwayNext we're off to Nagrand to catch the World's Largest Mudfish. This can only be caught in two bodies of water: Skysong Lake to the northeast, between Garadar and the Throne of the Ancients, and Lake Sunspring, to the west, east of Sunspring Village.
Crocolisks in the City: This one actually takes you to Stormwind, where you need to fish up a crocolisk in any of the canals. This is technically the "easiest" as it can be done with 1 skill, but this quest is exceptionally rare. I've only gotten it a few times. Also note however that the rewards for this one are slightly different than the others in that you have a very small chance of getting one in four baby crocolisk pets. However this will be very rare as they are quite a rare drop themselves, and getting the quest to begin with is very rare.
The skill needed to complete these quests vary a good amount. You can do Crocolisks with any skill. Felblood Fillet is next which is pretty low, followed by Shrimpin' if you fish out of the far eastern bodies of water. The Darter in Terokkar is higher still while you need pretty high skill (by BC standards, mid 300s+lures/rod) to catch in Nagrand.
While we're on the subject of Outland, let's take a look at Mr. Pinchy's Magical Crawdad Box. This is a difficult (as in time-consuming) achievement that has caused a good deal of grief. You need level 70 and a flying mount to do this (you can get summoned to the pools by a warlock but that's kinda unrealistic). In Terokkar, there are raised bodies of water only reachable by a flying mount. Those are Lake Jorune, just NW of Stonebreaker Hold, Lake Ere'Noru, SE of Allerian Stronghold, and Blackwind Lake, the big lake in Skettis. In these bodies of water, certain pools, Highland Mixed Schools, spawn. These require high fishing, 500 to stop getaways. In these pools there is a very rare chance of catching a bind on pickup blue item called "Mr. Pinchy". Note that since it is bind on pickup you will be queried if you want to pick it up or not should you catch it. If you aren't paying attention and cast again before saying yes, you will lose it so be sure to be paying attention so that you don't waste your catch. Lake Jorune and Ere'Noru are uninhabited, so are the safest places to fish, but there aren't many pools that can spawn in either location. Skettis has the most pools but you will likely have to deal with Skettis Surgers, perhaps some arrak'oa and Kaliri, but since you're already 70 they won't be problematic.
Now even when you finally catch Mr. Pinchy, you aren't home free yet. When you 'use' Mr. Pinchy, he grants you a wish. One of several things can happen. A level 70 aggressive mob, Furious Mr. Pinchy will spawn that you must dispatch (or I guess run away from). Benevolent Mr. Pinchy may spawn, which is a 10 minute guardian (he helps you in battle). You may receive an item, Mr. Pinchy's Gift, which contains up to 5 Super Healing and Super Mana potions. Mr. Pinchy's Blessing is a 2 hour buff of 500 health, persisting through death. Lastly you may get a Magical Crawdad Box, which lets you summon a crawdad companion. This is our goal, what completes the achievement.
This, like many fishing achievements, can be very time consuming. Catching Mr. Pinchy in the first place is quite rare. When you do, you have only a chance of getting the pet. Also an important thing to note is that Mr. Pinchy has a 2 day cooldown between wishes, so it can take a while to even make your wishes. It took me I believe 4 Mr. Pinchy's and 10+ wishes before I got my pet. So good luck!
That's all for today. Sorry My posting is so sporadic, hopefully it will be more frequent soon.
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