I'm now pretty well geared up. Not where I want to be before starting Naxxramas in January, but I'm doing well. I have all of the emblem gear I want save Mirror of Truth and my reputations are coming along nicely. I'm not terribly focused on any of them since none of them offer exalted rewards I'm interested in. The Kirin Tor are the only ones who I may want, with their boots but I'd rather get the ones off Lavanthor who seems to hardly ever come up and when he does never drops the boots, so these have eluded me despite running VH every day.
Regardless, I'm pretty happy where I stand now so I'm lightening up a bit on running instances and stuff like that. I'm closed to exalted with Sons of Hodir and the Kalu'ak, and I still do Frenzyheart/Oracle dailies but that's it. I'm going back now and doing all those quests that I skipped since I got 80, those in Sholazar, Zul'Drak, Icecrown, and Storm Peaks. Also some randomness for fun, such as getting that snazzy hat seen above. I also found a mount (or vehicle to be technical) that easily tops that Black Bear I got. I keep it!

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